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PBS Online Learning

Welcome to the Positive Behavior Support Program’s online learning portal. The PBS online learning portal offers self-paced web courses for providers, parents, caregivers, and students. Trainings can be viewed on your computer or mobile device at your convenience. Trainings include an overview of person-centered methods, trauma informed positive behavior support, and an introduction to adverse childhood experiences.

Provider modules are awaiting approval for continuing education units (CEUs) for Social Work and will indicate the number and type of credit hours available. Each course below outlines the number of CEUs pending approval. A general Certificate of Attendance is also available.

To register for PBS Online Learning, please create an online learning account by completing the CED online learning registration form.

PBS Online Learning Courses

Identify, define and discuss developmental milestones. Identify factors associated with enhanced or delayed development while reviewing common concerns about development among parents. Shares tools and resources to track and screen development.

Trauma 101 explores the effects of trauma, different types of trauma, and how to provide trauma-informed care. Participants can expect to learn how trauma affects the brain, how to assess for trauma, and ways to build resiliency. Professionals assisting people who have experienced severe traumas, especially those working with children affected by the opioid crisis in WV, will benefit from this course.

The Implementing Trauma Informed Positive Behavior Support web course provides professionals with the concepts needed to implement positive behavior support techniques specifically with people who have experienced trauma. Participants will learn how to create a Positive Behavior Support Plan as well as gain an understanding of how to use a trauma-informed lens when looking at behaviors. This course is beneficial for professionals assisting people who have experienced traumas.

In the Increasing Quality of Life web course, professionals will learn ways to assess and increase quality of life measures for individuals they serve by incorporating the 8 Dimensions of Wellness, adapted from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Participants will learn how to find internal motivators based on interests, assess their own quality of life, and brainstorm interventions to increase quality of life and improve overall mental health. All professionals and caregivers will benefit from this course.