Home /CED Training Registration CED Training Registration By registering here, you’ll be eligible to enroll in training offerings from the WVU CED. First Name Last Name Credentials (MD, OT, MSW etc) Not all modules provide CEUs, but if applicable do you wish to receive CEUs/Contact Hours?*YesNo Licensure Number This is required for most of those wanting continuing education credits and will be printed on your completion certificate. If you are part of a program that does not have licensure numbers please just type "None". E-mail* Username* Password* Repeat Password* County* BarbourBerkeleyBooneBraxtonBrookeCabellCalhounClayDoddridgeFayetteGilmerGrantGreenbrierHampshireHancockHardyHarrisonJacksonJeffersonKanawhaLewisLincolnLoganMarionMarshallMasonMcDowellMercerMineralMingoMonongaliaMonroeMorganNicholasOhioPendletonPleasantsPocahontasPrestonPutnamRaleighRandolphRitchieRoaneSummersTaylorTuckerTylerUpshurWayneWebsterWetzelWirtWoodWyomingStatewide WVOutside of WVInternational RaceAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderWhiteMore than one race Ethnicity*Hispanic or Latino or Spanish OriginMore than one ethnicityNot of Hispanic or Latino or Spanish Origin Age* Gender*FemaleMalePrefer to self describePrefer not to say Role (check all that apply)Home visitation team memberParent or family memberFoster parentPerson with a disabilityHealth care service providerCommunity service providerOther type of professionalGeneral publicOther Years of experience in your role?1-5 years6-10 years11-20 years20+ years Organization What information are you most interested in?Adverse Childhood Experience Scale (ACES)Addressing Challenging BehaviorsChild DevelopmentEducational and EmploymentFamily StrengtheningMental HealthNeonatal Abstinence SyndromeSocial or Parent SupportSocial ServicesStigmaSubstance Use How did you hear about this website?OnlineSupervisorColleagueConference or training workshopOther Are you interested in joining the WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities email list for updates?YesNoPlease prove you're human.*Send these credentials via email.