Addressing Challenging Behavior Course References

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Lesson 101

Bild. (Retrieved March 2020). About PBS. An Introduction to PBS.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (retrieved March 2020) How Early Childhood Trauma is Unique.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (2018). Reducing Challenging Behaviors during Transitions: Strategies for Early Childhood Educators to Share with Parents.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (2020). Teaching Young Children. Instead of Discipline, Use Guidance.

Lesson 201

Beam M. Ed., Sara. (2018). How to Find the Behavioral Triggers That Set Your Kid Off. Retrieved from URL​

Hagey, Erin. (2020). Discreet Trial Training vs. Task Analysis. Retrieved from​

Lindsley, Ogden. (Fall 1991.) From Technical Jargon to Plain English for Application. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Page 257. Retrieved from​

Mazzucchelli, Trevor G. Sanders, Matthew R. (2012). Stepping Stones Triple P: A population approach to the promotion of competent parenting of children with disability. University of Queensland. Retrieved from

Photopress Freepik images. (2020). Images: 3790, 3556371, 22227, 16496, 427890-PDYG5X-737, 7111, OH1VY90, 16496, 13945. Retrieved from​

Raising Children Network. (2018). Teaching skills to children: Different approaches. Retrieved from​

Roba, Barb. (2017). What Is a Behavior Trigger? Retrieved from URL (site currently not available).​

Smarter Parenting. (2015). Understanding Behavior: Where do I start? The ABC’s Of Behavior and why children act the way they do. Retrieved from

Smith, T. (2001). Discrete Trial Training in the Treatment of Autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 16, 86-92.DOI: 10.1177/108835760101600204.​

Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. (2014). How to Write a Social Story: Tips and Resources for Teachers. Retrieved from​

West Virginia Assistive Technology System. (2020).​

West Virginia University, Center for Excellence in Disabilities, Positive Behavior Support Program. (2019). Four Functions of Behavior.​

WikiHow, Creative Commons. (2019). How to Wash Doll Hair. Rinsing hair image. Retrieved from

Lesson 301

Bellis, M. A., Hardcastle, K., Ford, K., Hughes, K., Ashton, K., Quigg, Z., & Butler, N. (2017). Does continuous trusted adult support in childhood impart life-course resilience against adverse childhood experiences – a retrospective study on adult health-harming behaviours and mental well-being. BMC psychiatry, 17(1), 110.

Price, O., & Baker, J. (2012). Key components of de-escalation techniques: A thematic synthesis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 21(4), 310–319. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0349.2011.00793.x

Richter, D. (n.d.). Nonphysical Conflict Management and De-escalation. Violence in Mental Health Settings, 125–144. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-33965-8_7