Social Services for Providers
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Supplemental Materials
Lesson 101
- Federal Rental Assistance Fact Sheet for West Virginia
Factsheet reviewing the rental assistance need within West Virginia - West Virginia Health Data Portal
Factsheet showing food deserts within West Virginia
Lesson 201
- HUD Housing Fact Sheet
Factsheet reviewing process of applying for HUD and information regarding the program - National Domestic Violence Hotline Safety Plan
Template and information about a safety plan to provide individuals experiencing interpersonal violence - USDA SNAP Facts
Factsheet providing information on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - USDA National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Factsheet providing information on the National School Lunch Program of 1946
Lesson 301
- The Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool
Screening Tool for Providers to identify assistance needs - SIREN Social Need Screening Tools Comparison Table
Table identifying various Screening Tools available to providers for assistance needs